maya333333 发表于 2010-11-16 21:44 只看TA 332楼 |
这个见怪不怪了,正好赶上我在山东聊城出差,说说这里的情况 1:据观察,在夜间10辆车有8/9辆都是远光常量的(聊城夜间确实很暗,也可以理解) 2:不按道形式,甚至有逆行的,还不贴边走 3:并线打转向的几乎没有,硬杵杵的并过来了 我先在开车都强制自己并线靠边打转向灯了,不管有没有车,我觉得形成习惯了以后成本就低了 另外很佩服欧美司机的一点就是两线并一线,必定是左一右一顺序通行,这点很值得我们学习,不要总想得抢行 |
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lsun8000 发表于 2010-11-16 22:15 只看TA 333楼 |
just want to say some thing, I have been driving in the U.S for over 12 years now, and I started in NYC, where it's considered the worst driving city, with all the taxis and pedestrains, but that had not stopped me from driving. When I went to Shanghai last year, I was truly afraid of driving there. Seemed like the traffic law isn't there at all. I don't know what's the driving condition now in Shanghai, but I hope it improves. |
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